The Vicar has left the Building....
Sunday, 22 November 2009
An Evening with Frank Williams
Saturday, 14 November 2009
You've had your chips!!
Frank Williams event just one week away

Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Come and meet his Reverence!

As the title suggests, the evening will centre on Frank Williams and will feature several clips from his television and film career including some of Franks most recent work for independent production companies.
The highlight of the evening will be the full, un-cut British premier of 'Dad's Army and Beyond: the Frank Williams Story'. Oliver Crocker (producer), Mervyn Cumming (director) and of course Frank will be present and will be interviewed - by me! Poor souls. The DVD will also be on sale to attendees who will of course, have the opportunity to get copies signed by Frank, Oliver and Mervyn.
The details are:
Our Lady Help of Christians
4 Lady Margaret Road
Kentish Town
6.30pm to 10.00pm
£7.50 per ticket (includes fish and chip supper)
In order to book you can complete the booking form below and send it off as quickly as possible. Tickets are selling well but are limited - there are however a number still available.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Vicar n Chips!
Frank Williams event announced for November 2009

The address of the venue is:
Our Lady Help of Christians
4 Lady Margaret Road
Kentish Town
A map can be found by clicking here.
Dad's Army Appreciation Society members can book by filling in the booking form published in the most recent Society magazine (PTSS 61) or can visit the Society's members page, non-members can e-mail me at to request a form - or until I an figure out how to upload a pdf document onto the blog! Tickets cost £7.50 each.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Godfrey's Ghost
New Arnold Ridley book to published September 2009A new book about Arnold Ridley is being published by Mogzilla Life on 1st September 2009. The book has been penned by Arnold’s son Nicolas, and is called “Godfrey’s Ghost: From Father to Son”. Nicolas has kindly sent the podcast the following information about the book.
Arnold had a fascinating life which stretched from the rule of Queen Victoria to the ascension of Margaret Thatcher to the office of Prime Minister. He fought in two world wars, wrote a best selling play that is still frequently performed today and is perhaps most famous for playing the eldest member of the Walmington-On-Sea Home Guard, Pte. Charles Godfrey.
You can request a signed copy of the book be sent to you pre-publication from Mogzilla’s Godfrey's Ghost webpage – otherwise the book will be available in both hardback (£15.99) and paperback (£9.99).
Friday, 10 July 2009
Pike's Broadcast to the Empire **updated 14 July 2009**
Ian Lavender to star on LBC RadioIan Lavender is guesting on Steve Allen's popular LBC radio chat show, 'In coversation with....' The interview is being recording this weekend. However, at the time of writing, I cannot find out for sure when it will be broadcast. LBCs scheduling has an 'In conversation with...' show going out this Sunday at both 7:00am and 9:00pm although it is not clear if this will be the Lavender interview. LBC goes out on 97.3 FM. If anyone knows or manages to find out when the show is due to go out, please let me know by sending me an e-mail or by leaving a comment below. Thanks!
**UPDATED 14 JULY 2009**Ian's interview was broadcast on London Broadcasting Radio (LBC) on Sunday 12 July 2009. Ian spent an hour talking to Steve Allen (pictured above) about his life and career. As one would expect, Dad's Army featured prominantly. At one point, Ian said that every role he has won since his days in Dad's Amy was due to his success as Frank Pike. Ian also talks about his part as Derek Harkinson in EastEnders and his past stage performances. In the final ten minutes, Ian talks candidly about his health and describes what happened when he suffered a heart attack whilst he was a member of the EastEnders cast. Moving stuff.
Ian is currently playing Monsignor Howard in the stage version of Sister Act at the London Palladium.
The interview is currently available by visiting the LBC listen again website and then clicking on 'In coversation with...'. You will need to sign up in order to download the interview and pay a nominal charge.
Monday, 6 July 2009
Pike at the Palladium
Ian Lavender to star in Sister Act

Monday, 22 June 2009
Colin Bean RIP 1927 to 2009
Private Sponge actor passes awayIt is with great sadness that I report that Colin Bean passed away on Saturday 20 June 2009. Colin played Private Sponge throughout the whole of nine years Dad's Army was produced and was a keen supporter of the Dad's Army Appreciation Society for many years. An ever-present section leader in the Walmington-on-Sea platoon, Private Sponge was seen in the second rank in most parade scenes. As time moved on, he was given several speaking parts and a little character development. Colin's career was varied, but he will be best remembered for the part he played in Dad's Army.
In later years, Colin regaled audiences with stories about his time filming Dad's Army in the popular 'An Audience with Colin Bean' events, some of which were filmed and can be seen on YouTube.
The story is reported in Wigan Today and can be read here.
Rest in peace Colin, you will be most affectionately remembered.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Podcast 35
Locations Tour 2009

Monday, 11 May 2009
Tour of Locations 2009
Perry and Croft weekend 2009

Saturday, 2 May 2009
New podcast online
Episode 34

This month, Paul Carpenter from the Dad’s Army Appreciation Society joins me for the whole episode and previews the premier event on the Society’s calendar, the 2009 Perry and Croft Day which is due to be held on Sunday 10 May at at Bressingham Steam Museum. Paul announces which stars will be appearing (subject to work commitments and good health) and provides an insight into what it takes to put on such an event.
We then discuss the first episode of Dad’s Army I ever saw, Don’t forget the Diver – an absolute classic series 4 episode from 1970.
Take a listen to episodes 20 and 21 of the podcast to hear coverage of last years event.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
New podcast on-line
Frank Williams stars in Episode 33
Sunday, 29 March 2009
1975 Stage Show gets CD release
Sergeant Wilson's Little Secrets - secret no more!The 1975 Dad's Army Stage Show recording is finally getting a release on CD. The release will be available to buy, courtesy of Warner Brothers, on 13 April 2009.
The recording features the original cast and is identical to the vinyl version released many years ago. Warner went back to the original recordings when mastering this release and found some extra material recorded by John Le Mesurier - which did not make it onto the original vinyl version - unfortunately the decision was taken not to include this additional material on the CD. it may however find the light of day in a future release but no further information is available at this time.
The Amazon listing for the CD is can be seen here.
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Dad's Army and Beyond: The Frank Williams Story
Producer of new documentary interviewed on the Dad's Army podcast
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Podcast to record Dad's Army Movie special!
Your comments are required! Following several requests from listeners, this weekend, the entire podcast team will be recording a round table discussion about the sometimes controversial, 1971 Dad's Army movie. I have great pleasure in announcing that Frank Williams, (the Reverend Timothy Farthing) will be joining us for what promises to be a very entertaining and lively discussion. If you have comments about the movie in general, or have any questions you like us to put to Frank then please send them to me at by 6:00pm Friday 20 February (GMT) and I'll do my best to include them in the podcast.
The recording will form Episode 33 of the podcast and is likely to be on-line mid to late March 2009. Episode 32 should be on-line at some point over the next 10 days or so. The podcast's main page is here.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
New Dad's Army podcast now on-line
Episode 31