Locations Tour 2009

Firstly, the 2009 locations tour podcast is now online over at the main podcast page. Make sure you check out Episodes 35a and 35b. Frank Williams was an absolute gem - I really can't get enough of that man. He is so enthusiastic about Dad's to this day, and he is so eloquent and articulate when talking about his memories of filming Dad's Army. What is also clear is his affection for his co-stars. There is no hint of envy or jealousy about the fact that he played such a minor role compared to the regular cast members. What amazes me is how youthful he is on these tours - they are
not short events (four hours without a loo stop!) and the terrain is often rough enough to challenge even the fittest of fans, but not only does Frank cope admirably, he positively enjoys himself. Anyway, as always, let me know what you think of this podcast by sending me an e-mail - james@dadsarmypodcast.com If you happen to be based in or live near London then keep an eye out on the blog for a Frank related event in November this year - can't say too much at present as we're still in the early stages of planning, but if its comes off then tickets will be as keenly sought after as Walker's silk parachute-knickers!

Dad's Army podcast on Twitter!

And finally.....
Keep you ears peeled for a rather exciting announcement about the future of the podcast very soon. All very mysterious I know, but I should hopefully be able to announce something fairly major that will greatly enhance the enjoyment listeners' get out of the podcast over the few weeks. More soon.
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