Sunday, 22 November 2009

An Evening with Frank Williams

The Vicar has left the Building....

The first event the Dad's Army podcast has co-ordinated with the Dad's Army Appreciation Society took place yesterday evening, in a church hall in Kentish Town. Frank Williams played host to over 70 attendees who braved the driving rain to hear Frank talk about his time in Dad's Army and his wider career.

Frank spent over an hour speaking to the attendees and relished regaling the rapt audience with stories from his time on Dad's Army. He also talked about growing up in the second world war and about his first job within the acting business.

The evening also saw the UK premier of a new documentary about Frank entitled 'Dad's Army and Beyond: The Frank Williams Story' which the audience gobbled up and then asked questions of Frank. Producer Oliver Crocker and Director Mervyn Cumming were also on hand to discuss their experiences of making the documentary. It is hoped that the programme will be made available through the Appreciation Society in the near future - more news on that as it happens.

Episode 41 of the podcast will be a longer than usual podcast and will feature Frank's interview in full. It will also include a five minute interview Frank gave to Radio London early yesterday morning to promote the event.

On a personal note, I was mortified (as was Frank, Oliver and pretty much everyone else there) at how bad the sound was for the first half an hour of the night - which included two screenings of Frank's work. It was almost impossible to make any of the words out at all - as Frazer would have said, it sounded as though the actors were 'mumblin', mumblin'!! At the time though, this was far from a laughing matter. Fortunately, this was a temporary hitch and we able to vastly improve the quality of the sound after the first very awkward half an hour. Many thanks to all the wonderful attendees for being so patient with us - lessons have been learned.

The technical difficulties aside, the food was great, the premier of Oliver's documentary was exceptionally well received and many people came up to me after the event and said how much they enjoyed the evening. You were all so very kind!!

Hope you enjoy the podcast of the evening once I've managed to edit it all together - should be online over on the main podcast page by mid-December.

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