Dad's Army sequal broadcasting on BBC7

Dad's Army sequal broadcasting on BBC7
Episode 23Episode 23 of the podcast is now on-line and available to listen to or download from our main site.
This week James and Tony discuss Croft and Perry Day 2008, interview the delightful Pamela Cundell who played Mrs Fox in the series and talk about the BBC’s plans to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the show. Our featured episode this week is series four’s The Test.
The sound quality is not so good in this podcast I'm afraid - mainly because I am in the middle of decorating my office at home - it's floor-boarded and therefore very echoey. I also forgot to covert our conversation about the 40th anniversary show into stereo. Hope this doesn't spoil your enjoyment too much.
I am still experiencing problems with the upgrade of the podcast player - when listening to the show the sound occassionally drops a few seconds or sometimes just stops playing altogether. In addition, the last 30 seconds or so do not play. The best way to get around this is to listen to the show on iTunes (or another podcatcher) where these problems do not occur. Hopefully podomatic will sort this rather irritating problem soon.
We’ll be back with podcast 24 in three weeks or so when we’ll be discussing The Two and Half Feathers – feel free to let us have your comments on this episode and we’ll include them in the show. Enjoy the podcast.
Dad's Army Green Cross Code adverts on YouTube
No, not new ones, but two adverts filmed when Dad's Army was being broadcast in the '70s are now on YouTube. Both films were included as extras on the Christmas Special BBC DVD released last year, but are now available to everyone on-line.
With thanks to Ian Sherwood
Bressingham Steam Museum - Sunday 11th May 2008
Favourite Character Poll re-openedDue to popular demand, I have re-opened the Favourite Character poll last week. As regular blog-readers will know, the original six-week survey attracted 85 votes and put Walker fairly and squarely in first place. I was then inundated with e-mails (well, I received five) from readers expressing their disappointment that they did not get an opportunity to vote. So, the poll will now stay open for the foreseeable future - it will be interesting to see how the results develop over the next few months.
Podcast 23Episode 23 of the Dad's Army podcast is scheduled for release on the 21st June 2008. The break between 22 and 23 has been longer than usual - mainly due to boring tasks that I just haven't been able to put off any longer - the main one was to redecorate my office. You will be pleased to know that unlike Mainwaring, I do not have a paper door. Anyway, Episode 23 sees the return of Tony to the podcast when we will be discussing The Test. If you have any comments on this episode you would like us to discuss then please e-mail them to me at by Friday 13th June 2008 - MP3 recordings would be even better. We also discuss Bressingham 2008 and Tony interviews Mrs Fox - yes, Mrs Fox is coming to the podcast! I am actually quite scared.... You can hear a brief preview of Pamela's interview right now by heading over to the main podcast page.
Comments on individual podcast episodesThere have been problems for listeners when leaving comments over on the main podcast page (see the 'Special Announcement' blog posting of 28th May 2008) which have now, I am reliably informed, been rectified. All previous comments that mysteriously disappeared have now returned! So please get scribbling and leave your comments by clicking 'Leave a comment' or 'comments' under the play button for each episode.
40th Anniversary Special green-lightedThe BBC have annouced that there will be a one-hour special programme broadcast later this year to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Dad's Army. The programme will be called Jonathan Ross Salutes Dad's Army and it is therefore no surprise to learn that the show will be fronted by Jonathan Ross. Ross is said to be a big fan of the show and often references Dads Army in his Radio 2 show. You can read the BBC's official annoucement here.
The show is being recorded in London on 17th July and you have the opportunity to apply for tickets by clicking here and then selecting 'Current Shows'.
With thanks to the Dad's Army Appreciation Society
Episode 22Episode 22 of the Dad's Army podcast is now on-line and available to download from
This week sees the second and final of the Croft and Perry Weekend Specials and features speeches made by Pamela Cundell, Harold Snoad, Michael Knowles, Jimmy Perry and David Croft at the Dad’s Army Appreciation Society’s annual members meal.
The cover-art this week is of David and Ann Croft at the event – with me at the same table! If you like the sound of the event and would like to attend in future years, then you will need to join the Appreciation Society to be in with a chance of getting a ticket. Joining is ludicrously cheap – take a look at for details.
We’ll be back in two or three weeks time with a ‘regular’ episode of the podcast and Tony and I will be discussing ‘The Test’. Feel free to send us your comments on this episode and we’ll read out your e-mails, or play your MP3s during the show. Contact us at