You Stupid Boy!The classic put-down 'You Stupid Boy' has been included in a list of classic television put-down lines prepared by the Radio Times. This story was reported at the end of last month in a number of media publications - the Daily Telegraph published an article on the 27th February and included David Croft's comments on the development of comedy on TV over the years. The article is available here or by clicking on the Telegraph's logo above.
Sky News also reported the story on 26th February but in less detail. Read the article by clicking here or on the Sky News logo. This article also features link to a video interview with Leslie Grantham when he was promoting the stage play last September.
"You stupid boy" only came in at number 25 on the list - although practically every news agency that reported the story led with the 'Stupid Boy' quotation, or included a prominent picture from Dad's Army in their article!
Monday, 31 March 2008
Dad's Army features in top 25 'Classic Put Downs'
Saturday, 29 March 2008
New Dad's Army podcast on-line
Episode 17Episode 17 of the Dad's Army podcast is now on-line and available to listen to at
This fortnight sees the much delayed discussion of the season 3 classic, Branded. In addition, Tony reviews the stage play after seeing it twice the week the production was in Poole! We also have an update from the Dad's Army Appreciation Society on the Perry and Croft day being held at Bressingham steam museum in May this year. All this and the regular news and feedback features.
Please get in touch with us and let us know what you think of the podcast or anything else Dad's Army related at
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Coventry Coverage
BBC Midland Today interview
Monday, 24 March 2008
Time on Your Hands?
Your Comments WelcomeWe are recording comments on the final episode of series five, 'Time on My Hands' this coming Wednesday evening (26th March) and would very much welcome your views. The discussion will appear on a future podcast (probably Episode 19 or 20) and it would be great to be able to incorporate fans views of the story.
It's notable for a number of reasons - the prolonged scene at the top of the Town Hall, Mr Blewitt (played by Harold Bennet and pictured above) reeling off a number of high quality German products and we see the platoon coming face to face with the Luftwaffe. Well, one of them anyway.
Please send us your comments at
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Leslie Grantham sent to Coventry
Private Walker interviewedLeslie Grantham has given an interview to BBC Coventry and Warwickshire as part of the publicity surrounding the play as it arrived in Coventry last week. The Beeb have published a text interview available here or by clicking the image of Leslie and interviewer Bob Brolly to your left. You can also hear a five minute audio interview with Grantham by clicking here.
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Dad's Army Hotel Blaze
The Anchor Hotel catches fireOne of the hotels used by the cast whilst location filming caught fire last night. Firefighters were called to The Anchor Hotel in Thetford shortly before 6.00pm yesterday evening and EDP reported the story at 9.15pm. The hotel has been boarded up and disused for the last couple of years, but EDP reports two people being rescued by emergency services. No reason has been given for the cause of the fire. You can read the story written by Jon Welch by clicking on the image to your left.
**Updated 21st March**
EDP have updated their story - arson has now been ruled out as a cause. Those rescued from the fire are believed to have lit a fire to keep themselves warm. Fortunately they were not seriously injured. You can read the update by clicking on the EDP logo to your right.
With thanks to Ian Sherwood.
Monday, 17 March 2008
The Stage on the!
Dads Army features in 'The Stage'The popular Theatre Magazine 'The Stage' has reviewed the touring stage play. The article is written by Graham Williams who saw the show when it performed at Hackney. It's the only review I have come across so far that discusses Timothy Kightley's portrayal of Mainwaring. You can read the review by clicking on the image to your left.
Friday, 14 March 2008
Make your Mark...
Branded comments wantedEpisode 17 of the Dad's Army Podcast is due for download on the 29th March - and our featured discussion will be about the highly acclaimed series three episode, Branded. This is 'The one where Godfrey is a coward and a hero' as Friends followers might say. The episode has a unusual number of dramatic rather than comedic moments and the actors get to portray traits of their characters that are rarely seen. Not to mention Frazer getting a splinter in his nose.
We would love to know what you think about Branded so we can share your thoughts with other fans by reading out comments on the podcast. Please e-mail what you think of the episode to us at Thanks you to those who have already e-mailed us about other episodes or anything else Dad's Army.
You can listen to the podcast directly from our main website by clicking here, on iTunes or at our MySpace site
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Croft's Craft
David Croft InterviewedJeremy Miles of The Daily Echo has interviewed David Croft about his writing career as part of the publicity surrounding the stage play's arrival in Poole. David also discusses the circumstances that left three episodes of Dads Army missing from the BBC archives. You can read the article by clicking on the image of David to your left. Unfortunately, the Echo refers to the co-writer as Jimmy Croft on one occasion - but remainder of the content is good stuff.
Monday, 10 March 2008
Getting the Bird.....back!
Seagull Prop finally returned to owner
The ongoing saga of the missing Seagull (as reported on Permission to Write on 2nd and 4th March) has finally reached it's conclusion. The unidentified thief sent the stuffed bird to The London Paper offices who in turn passed the prop back to Ed O'Driscoll of Calibre Productions. Sid was unharmed and is due to make his return to the stage at the Poole Lighthouse theatre this week.
Until I can find an on-line version of the story, the blurred, scanned image of the London Paper article is below. Please feel free to e-mail me at if you find the story on the net before me!
The man from Walmington on Sea? He says...can I be excused?!
Brian Jackson interviewAn interview with Brian Jackson - the original man from Del Monte and currently starring as Pte. Charles Godfrey in the touring stage show, features in the Bridport News as part of the promotion of the production's arrival in Poole this week. Brian speaks candidly about his career and his part in the play. You can read the interview by clicking on the image of Brian to your left, or by clicking here.
Saturday, 8 March 2008
New Dad's Army Podcast on-line
Episode 16Episode 16 of the Dad's Army Podcast is now on-line and available to download, or listen to, at - or click on the image to your left. This week we cover all the recent Dad's Army news and discuss the feedback we've received from listeners.
We also feature part 2 of our discussion about the extras on the Christmas Specials DVD released last year.
Don't forget to tell us what you think - and to make sure you enter the prize draw by nominating your favourite episode. You can do both by e-mailing us at
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Recent stage play media coverage
Dad's Army arrives in Blackpool

Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Stolen Seagull Saga continues....
Ransom note received
The Evening Standard and its associate free paper the London Lite reported last night that the seagull-napper has been in contact - and had sent in a ransom note. Those holding the stuffed bird hostage demanded that pigeons in Trafalgar Square be fed before any release can be considered. The story can be read by clicking on the image of the criminal to your left.
Despite making a rather silly demand of the show's producers (feeding pigeons in Trafalgar Square is now illegal thanks to Red Ken) the story does give more publicity to the touring play which is a good thing. I only hope those behind the theft are enjoying themselves - I am sure that they will be cutting out these news articles and showing them to the grandkids with a strange sense of pride - although surely the automatic reaction would be, "haven't you got anything better to do Grandad?!"
The play has now reached Grand Theatre in Blackpool, and is moving onto the Poole Lighthouse next week. Check out the remainder of the tour dates by clicking here.
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Touring stage play in the media
A couple of news articles appeared in the national press over the last week or so.
One of our....birds is missing
The first one appeared on the This is London website last week - for quite a surprising reason! One member of the audience decided to pinch the model seagull used as a prop! You can read the article by clicking on Sid the Seagull to your left.
Hackney Review

More soon,